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 Doxa School provides a curriculum that conforms to the standards of the Victorian Curriculum as well as the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). While our curriculum offerings are limited we endeavour to focus on the specific needs of our students. All students have an Individual Learning Plan that guides their academic as well as social and emotional growth.

Learning and Teaching at Doxa School is supported by a qualified and experienced Teaching Team and supported by Classroom Support Workers and our Wellbeing Team.

Class groups are configured to include students of mixed ages and learning levels with generally junior secondary, middle secondary and senior secondary mixes, though these vary from year to year depending on our enrolment profile.

Doxa School offers a general curriculum with a focus on the basics of Numeracy and Literacy at junior and middle levels and VCAL at senior level. We also provide a range of opportunities for Experiential Learning, and our programs have a strong focus on Social and Emotional Learning and Personal Development.

A more detailed description of our Curriculum can be found on this Website under School Information and Policies under the Downloads section.
